
USI Eagle Innovation Accelerator presents “Roadmap to Innovation”

Event Details

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The USI Eagle Innovation Accelerator presents “Roadmap to Innovation”

USI Innovation Lab, 2nd Floor of Innovation Pointe – Doors open at 5:00 p.m./ Free Pizza at 5:30 p.m.

Free to attend, open to all to join us!

In the second of an ongoing series, University of Southern Indiana’s Eagle Innovation Accelerator will be providing a workshop to introduce attendees to tools and techniques they can use to identify and explore opportunities for innovation. This workshop will last approximately 1 hour and consist of plenty of networking time, and an overview of tools such as Design Sprints and Jobs Theory which can be instrumental in helping navigating the road to innovation

Introduced in 1998 by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen through his book The Innovator’s Dilemma, Jobs Theory is a methodology for extracting from customers exactly what it is they are “hiring” a product for. By developing a better understanding of what the problem is that your customers, or potential customers, are hoping to make progress on you can build a better product for them. The application of Jobs Theory can help your organization identify opportunities for new products, new markets for existing products, new features for existing products, or bring out the necessity to eliminate features.

Developed by Jake Knapp out of Google Ventures in 2010 the Design Sprint is a five-day process of bringing stakeholders to the table in order to identify and capitalize on nearly any objective. The Design Sprint was developed to replace inefficient and often ineffective “brainstorming sessions” at Google Ventures and became so successful that it was developed into a framework. The framework is depicted in the book Sprint by Jake Knapp which defines an intense five-day process to go from opportunity to a consumer tested artifact in order to inform the decision maker(s) of the next step to take to capitalize on that opportunity.

Come join us on Tuesday, January 9 in the USI Innovation Lab on the second floor of Innovation Pointe for pizza and insights into how to effectively find and navigate the “Roadmap to Innovation”. We will announce future topics at the event, as well as make them available here.

Note: We will only be able to accommodate 50 people due to size of the venue.
