
#TechSocial 0.5 *New Tech on Tap Social Media Initiative*

Event Details

  • Date:

In an attempt to build off of the momentum of our Tech on Tap meetings over the past year+, we are beginning a new initiative with a focus on social media and interactive websites. 

The success of social media can be drawn back to it’s ability to connect people, but many now accuse technology of stifling real-life relationship building. We’d like to develop a group that can work to connect and enhance our digital relationships with regular meetups. The group will focus on topics related to social media, websites, apps, and other web-based technology that focus on building relationships.

Come prepared with a 128-character message about why you value social technologies (140 characters – 12 for (_#TechSocial). 

For example: @TheZacParsons - Social media tools let me connect to awesome people without the confines of time and space. News comes fast & furious. I dig it. #TechSocial

We’ll spend some time getting to know each other by sharing these messages aloud before Tweeting/Facebooking/Google+ing them. Just come prepared with your 128-character message. It will make sense when you get here. We’ll also be announcing how this new group will grow and be valuable for our community, and the role that YOU can have in making that happen.

If you care about social media being used to connect our community, you DO NOT want to miss this event. 

The event is free, but the Allegra bar/restaurant will be open to serve drinks/snacks/meals. Please feel free to stay as late as you wish. We will wrap our agenda before 6:45pm.

Please RSVP so that we can have a head count, and direct any questions to the event organizer: Zac Parsons –