
Institute for Global Security and Defense Innovation

Event Details

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 Purdue@WestGate will bring the Institute for Global Security and Defense Innovation (i-GSDI) free seminar to WestGate Academy on Feb. 6 to discuss resources available to WestGate innovators, tenants and the greater region.

Global Security and Defense Innovation is a Purdue University consortium that supports Indiana’s defense industry and integrates strengths across Purdue and its research centers, converging cross-cutting research capabilities from Purdue STEM fields. The sectors include advanced instrumentation, nanotechnology, social and behavioral sciences, big data simulation and cybersecurity.

“Our consortium has a lot to offer WestGate innovators and tenants,” said Mike Dodd, managing director for the Global Security and Defense Innovation. “Due to WestGate’s relationship with Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane as well as its volume of defense focused tenants, the research our group compiles provides access to the leading-edge defense technology directly relevant to their industries.” 

The seminar will include several topics relevant to WestGate innovators and tenants:

Introduction to the Institute for Global Security and Defense Innovation.Explanation of the iGSDI roundtable series.Global Security and Defense Innovation consortium member benefits.Credentialing of defense contractors.Overview of contract vehicles that require teaming and benefits of teaming.Structuring agreements to be a successful government contractor.Mentor Protégé programs available.Description of how to exceed subcontracting requirements.Assist large primes to identify “procurement ready and credentialed” sub-contractors and vendors.