
Five Experts reveal how they use Social Media

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Cost: $20   Click here to Register

or contact Karina Hampton at or call 812.425.7232. 

Here’s the lineup:

Tim Piazza: Grow Brand Awareness through Social Media 

Tim Piazza is an online marketing consultant and entrepreneur specializing in digital marketing. His company, provides online marketing and web development services for business owners. He knows that 7 of 10 internet users are active on social media and will discuss how to leverage this trend to grow brand awareness and attract customers. 

Serina Kelly: Build a Client Relationship 

Serina Kelly owns Relevate, a relationship marketing firm that specializes in helping businesses build relationships with their past, current and future clientele through consistent use of media channels. She will focus on how to build a relationship strategy, including using social media to move the relationship past the first contact to become a client, customer or fan. 

Ellada Hadjisavva: Become #1 on TripAdvisor 

Ellada and Doros Hadjisavva own Acropolis restaurant in Evansville. Ellada, who attended several of consultant Marc Willson’s seminars has integrated his suggestions into the Acropolis marketing strategy. She has had great success using TripAdvisor, Yelp and similar sites . According to TripAdvisor, Acropolis is number 1 out of 358 restaurants in Evansville and has a rating of 4.5 stars. 

Ben Luttrull: Determine if Your Social Media is Working 

Ben Luttrull, Digital Marketing Specialist for Lieberman Technologies provides strategic and logistical assistance to businesses’ websites and digital marketing efforts. He helps clients translate data from Google and Facebook to determine the effectiveness of their online strategy. Ben will talk about how to determine if the social media you are using is working for your business 

Josh Armstrong: Organize Cash Mobs 

Josh Armstrong, Director of the Downtown Alliance for the Southwest Indiana Chamber has extensive experience as a restaurateur and small business owner. He has successfully organized cash mobs for several downtown Evansville restaurants, allowing them to increase their revenues and attract new customers. He’ll share his tips and ideas for how to use this grass roots tool to grow your business. 

Zac Parsons: 

Moderator Zac Parsons serves as the Digital Marketing Architect for Lieberman Technologies. By combining his educational background and his experience in social media engagement, Zac works with clients to create a blueprint for their digital marketing strategy. Location: Southwest Indiana Chamber

Cost: $20 
To register please visit or contact
Karina Hampton at or call 812.425.7232.