
Crowdsourcing Evansville’s Favorite Apps – Bring Yours!

Event Details

  • Date:

With the plethora of knowledge on the world wide web, sometimes it’s difficult to know about apps and websites that could be useful to you (or others) in some way. That is why Tech On Tap is hosting this event. There are so many tools out there that are built to make our lives easier, our wallets fatter, or our hobbies more interesting, but we may not even know they exist! 

Please come willing to share your favorite app or website that not enough people know about, or come and learn!

Due to the size of the Co-Working space, I have set the attendee limit to 35. If there is a lot of interest in this meetup, we can make other accommodations. 

Networking from 5-5:30, food and discussion at 5:30.

Food from The Dapper Pig!ÂÂ