
Common Grounds: Coffee+Connections+Storytelling

Event Details

Today’s Story: Holiday E-connect

Know anyone coming for the holidays? Do they still think there is nothing to do in Evansville, or that their hometown hasn’t changed since they moved away? The Holiday E-Connect was created last year for those exact people, in hopes to offer them some craft brews, local wood-fired pizza, and a chance to reconnect with their peers and changemakers in the Evansville community. Come learn more about the 2nd annual Holiday E-Connect event, which will take place between the holidays at Evansville’s newest microbrewery, Myriad Brewing Company.

Event Format:

7:30 a.m. – Door Open, get your cup of Evansville Coffee Company coffee

8:00 a.m. – 5 minute or less story highlighting something innovative, entrepreneurial or simply positive happening in our community.

9:00 a.m. – Party’s over –  but you are welcome to continue conversations in the Innovation Pointe lobby.

You are welcome to come and go at any time.

Great Coffee, Great People and Great Stories about Evansville Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Made possible through the support of the Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville with special thanks to Tim Piazza and Evansville Coffee Company