Events on Deck:
Weekly Event:
- Common Grounds Great Coffee, Great People and Great 5 minute stories about our region’s innovative, entrepreneurial or just plain cool things you won’t hear about in traditional local media. Wednesdays 8 -9 a.m. @CoWork Evansville.
Innovation is Fundamentally a Social Exercise
“When an idea germinates in my mind I know that it’s at least 50% wrong initially, and it’s only in playing with the idea by bouncing it off others that one can refine it and retain what’s essential.”
Nobel Laureate Sydney Brenner

Tech on Tap is about facilitating connections between innovators. Our events bring people together around common interests to shepherd serendipity,

The I-69 Innovation Corridor stretches from Evansville to Indianapolis and includes a remarkable range of highly connected and collaborative resources ready to drive innovation.

Puzzled by an innovation problem? Collaboration offers the shortest path to conquering innovation challenges. Join Evansville’s co-working and making collaboration communities

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Nuturing Evansville's Innovation Community
The mission of Tech on Tap is to facilitate the connections in our Innovation Ecosystem resulting in ever expanding opportunities for collaboration with exceptional outcomes.
Innovation is a social exercise and Tech-on-Tap works to host and/or promote a rich offering of collision events in the region. Collisions create opportunities for Connections, Connections create opportunities for Collaborations.
Brad Feld is a storied Founder, Funder and Facilitator of Innovation Startup Companies. He has spent more than two decades watching Boulder, his adopted hometown, become a burgeoning Innovation Community.
“He asked “WHY?”.
Among his conclusions, the formation and growth of innovation communities results from a wide variety of innovation initiatives. Mr. Feld noted the high frequency as well as the variety of times, formats and subject matter of innovation initiatives available in Boulder. People simply keep different schedules and have different interests. Many communities look to their government and institutions to assume these roles. Mr. Feld concludes these initiatives could only be consistently generated by entrepreneurial individuals or small groups. Risk takers, nimble enough to seize opportunities and willing to move on if their initiative fails. These he terms “LEADERS”.
Mr. Feld observes that the very nature of governance and structure necessary for successful institutions generally preclude them from taking the high risk of failure many of these initiatives face. What is a normal course of daily life for entrepreneurs simply can not be tolerated in institutional settings. Not a criticism, simply an astute observation of reality. He uses the term “FEEDERS” to describe large corporations, government and institutions.
Leaders lack resources, Feeders lack entrepreneurial freedom.
The magic of an Innovation Community results when we capture the synergy that comes when LEADERS collaborate with FEEDERS. Through Tech-on-Tap we are bringing together the Leaders and Feeders of our region.